Returns/Cooling period
If you wish to cancel your order before it has been shipped, you can do so by sending us an email at If the order is already on its way to you or being prepared for shipment, cancellation is no longer possible and you will have to return the order.
Returns / Refund period
If something doesn't fit, or you don't like it, you can always return it for exchange or a refund. This can be done simply by returning the package to our return address. There are a few conditions:
- The shipping costs to return the order are to be paid by the customer.
- Exchanges or refunds must be made within 14 days of purchase. Returns or exchanges returned later than 14 days after purchase will not be processed.
- The original label must still be attached to the item.
- If you wish to receive a different size of an article, you must place a new order via our webshop.
- Clothing can only be exchanged unworn. If we find that the clothing has been worn, your return will not be processed. Try it on, of course!
- Caution! Cock rings and sextoys cannot be returned due to hygiene.
- Please keep the shipping receipt from the post office.
We reimburse all payments made by the consumer, including any delivery costs charged by us for the returned product, immediately but within 14 days following the day on which the consumer notifies him of the withdrawal (moment of dissolution). The refund is free of charge for the consumer.
If you have chosen a more expensive method of delivery than the cheapest standard delivery, we will not reimburse the additional costs for the more expensive method.
Our return address:
BIBO Fashion
Hanenburch 22
9298 VS Kollumerzwaag